Horacio Curti y la Orquesta Nacional de España

This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.


This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.

Home is Now

This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.

Home is Now

This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.

Home is Now

This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.

Home is Now

This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.

Home is Now

This hero is built with a flex layout, aligned and justified so that the content will always be centered horizontally and vertically. To change this section’s background, select the “Hero Overlay” then scroll to the background section of the Style panel and replace the image. You can also adjust the opacity of the overlay’s black background for better contrast.

Horacio Curti

Shakuhachi Master, shakuhachi shihan, Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan

Associate professor at the musicology department and coordinator for the Asian Music Program at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (Catalonia College of Music)


recent projects

artistic production



Premiere of the shakuhachi and orchestra concert by Ramon Humet. Spanish National Orchestra. Horacio Curti (solo). June 14th 2019. Spanish National Auditorium (Madrid).


Second solo album by Horacio Curti. 2015-11. On Spotify. Can be bought on Amazon.


Coordinador general de la exposición temporal para el museo de la música de Barcelona. Más información disponible aquí.
General coordinator of the temporary exhibition for the Music Museum of Barcelona. More information here.